Advanced Born Bilingual (Age 1 Year 6 Month - 2 Years 6 Months)

Advanced Born Bilingual (Age 1 Year 6 Month - 2 Years 6 Months)

Course Details

• Our unquely created play area alloes chidren to learn how to interact socially from a young age. Our activities allow children to see the importance of teamwork, in addition to fostering an environment where they can crawl,
balance and develop their limbs.
• Our lessons are designed to create a fun and enjoyable environment for children to learn. Students will degin to
ink basic English sounds and words to their everyday life.
• Our purpose-built classroom is the perfect place for your child to develop their basic gross motor skills,balance,
creativity and imagination. We will introduce as well as reinforce the necessary language your child needs,
ont simply to begin communicating in English, but to do so with an ear-to-ear smile on their faces.
• Music is an integral part of our course. Students will be exposde to and learn by contextualized musical songs.
Staff will carefully guide your child to the correct answer and an ability to think independently, rather than
teachers simply giving correct answers. Our schools seek to move beyond simply getting students to repeat
words held up ona card by a teacher.


Essential Learning starts only 5,XXX Baht (6 times / month) and Accelerated Learning starts only 8,XXX Baht (11 times / month)
