Born Creative (Age 4 Years 6 Months - 7 Years)

Course Details

  • During this course, your child will develop their communication skills, in order to begin to converse with the teachers and fellow class mates in English language. Students will be taught to fully comprehend basic instructions in English and begin to construct their own sentences.
  • The course entails puzzle games with an element of problem solving, colouring by numbers, plus instructions and book reading, as well as lots of singing, dancing and having fun. We will also begin to teach your child the basics of written English. This begins with teaching them how to correctly hold their pencils, and extends to them being able to write the alphabet from their own memory and writing their own names. We further develop motor skills at this level, with spatial relationships and other exciting activities in our modern play-center.
  • Teachers will encourage students to question how things work and encourage children’s cognitive processes. We will encourage students to be curious in every situation and to think for themselves.
  • Your children will benefit from our purpose built classrooms, boasting the latest teaching aids. Additionally we offer a diverse range of equipment, play rooms, and learning stimuli, in order to ensure both the left and right side of your child’s brain is matured and developed.
  • Upon completion of this course, parents will be amazed as their child is able to recognize and correctly pronounce basic three letter words, as well as writing the alphabet. Our students will perform singing and dancing, created and performed by themselves!


Essential Learning starts only 5,XXX Baht (6 times / month) and Accelerated Learning starts only 8,XXX Baht (11 times / month)